Sunday 17 March 2019

Technicals for week ending – 15th March 2019.

Note : This is not a recommendation and I am not a registered analyst, these are just data points and an assessment of the positives and negatives from a longer term point of view.

Nifty Weekly

Chart 1. Longer term trend model based on weekly prices gave a buy signal near Friday’s close and I went long in Niftybees – don’t ask what if felt like buying up here LOL, and it took a lot of juggling in the orderbook to get a fill for my position.

Chart 2 Nifty total returns/10 year Bond index ratio is ABOVE its 40-week MA & momentum also now favours Nifty, indicating longer term outperformance for Nifty vs Bonds.

Chart 3 Longer term intermarket strength as per the RS matrix is in IT, Banks & Energy. With Auto and Metals at the bottom.

Chart 4 A big improvement in other indices as now most are above their respective 40-week MA.

Chart 5 Avg. & Median distance of all sectors from their 52-week closing high is at -12.8% & -11.2%.