Saturday 28 March 2020

Weekly Analysis – 29th March 2020

Note : This is not a recommendation and I am not a registered analyst, these are just data points and an assessment of the positives and negatives from a longer term point of view.

Nifty Weekly

Chart 1. Strategy 1 & 2 based on Nifty TRI – Both are in exit mode. Bond strategy is still in buy mode and I am holding a 10Y bond fund. Green line is up means buy mode and green line at 0 means exit mode. Portfolio is in a drawdown of 17% compared to Nifty ETF drawdown of 30%.

Chart 2 Nifty total returns/10 year Bond index ratio is BELOW its 40-week MA & momentum has shifted to Bonds, both indicating longer term outperformance of Bonds vs Nifty.

Chart 3 Longer term intermarket strength as per the RS matrix is in FMCG, IT & Pharma. With Metals and Media at the bottom.

Chart 4 NONE of the broader indices is above their respective 40-week MA, and NONE of the sector indices is above its respective 40-week MA. Forward returns on Nifty have generally been negative to flattish at these readings.

Chart 5 Avg. & Median distance of all sectors from their 52-week closing high is at -37.5% & -37%.

Sector Momentum Update

Updating the short-term momentum model for the week ending 29th March 2020.

Note: This does not include commissions, slippage & taxes and I have no positions in this. Just posting for academic purpose. + We do not have any sector ETF’s.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Opportunity + Breaking my rules

Taking a break from the usual weekly charts and data… as everyone has witnessed, the past few weeks have seen the fastest and one of the steepest declines in markets. Yes, even I am in the red and just to update the weekly commentary – well, the 3 strategies – especially an allocation to bonds have saved me and losses are less than half of what the Nifty index has gone through.

Coming back to the topic, I have been a terrible futures trader and ages ago had just completely stopped trading future or options. A couple of months ago I started tinkering with the idea to take some futures trades once in a while when an exciting opportunity presents itself – totally discretionary. Took a couple days and decided on a loss limit for an idea and how many ideas to pursue – still evolving but at a very lazy pace. Anyways, what happened during the week of 9th to 13th March was my best ever in futures/options trading. Though 1 part of it was a planned execution the other 2 – spur of the moment – I still can’t figure out if it was luck, skill or was I just in a different zone all together.


So back in December/Jan I came across the USD-INR chart, stalked it for weeks. Was just focusing on the range and 1 or 2 indicators and just had this feeling in my bones that this thing is gonna blow. February went by, I didn’t have the courage to pull the trigger. Then around end of Feb, I discussed it with my wife and we decided OK, we will risk only a certain amount that does not affect us in a big way. So after weeks of stalking the USD-INR and a go ahead from the wifey – here is how the events unfolded, I looked at the chart on the night of 1st March and said wow, here it comes, she gonna blow...... 2nd March morning – didn’t enter (pussy!). 2nd March at Night – ah see it’s a red candle, might just go back into range. 3rd March morning while sipping my coffee – balls to this, I have stalked this trade idea for months now and I have the sign off from the ultimate risk manager – aka the wife. I am taking this trade. Account funded with Rs. X and the mental stop so that if it goes hay wire the X becomes 0.7X. Markets open, trade done. Laptop closed and I go about my day.

Breaking the rules:

Now comes 12th March, the USD-INR trade is open. Going per plan. Initial X is now become about 1.48X – I am excited! Now comes the breaking the rule further part. I realise this is a weekly expiry day. We are about to break 9800. My eyes come across the weekly 9700 put – for some reason, god knows when I drew that support line at 9800 levels it was still there saved on the chart and in minutes we were now below that zone. For 20-30 minutes I am contemplating and then in a spur of the moment I go – balls!, everything is going to shit, its now below this zone I drew god knows when I do not even remember! lets risk a part of the open profits from the USD-INR trade. So, it was structured in such a way that if my options go to 0 and I close the USD trade then initial X still becomes 1.33X at the end of the day. So with that comfort - enter options. I am in the put now and then within minutes everything collapses and the puts go ballistic. Then I look at time and say to myself – you idiot – you are late for office! In another minute I see that the initial X is now around 1.91X I close out both the trades. I am on top of the world. Tell it to the wife and put a reminder to withdraw these proceeds back to the bank first thing tomorrow morning!

Friday the 13th – The most interesting day.

So my wife is out of town. We are having a chat in the morning and I tell her I am planning to withdraw the funds, It was a dream run, lets get out now before I lose control and make some horrendous trades… and then I tell her that it looks like we might hit a lower circuit today. More talk and then call ends. Now, just a few minutes after the call I see a whatsapp message from the wife saying “short the market” – I am like we will see. Market opens and its pandemonium, within minutes it’s a lower circuit. Wifey is also following the news and calls me after the circuit hits and asks “did you short?” I was like no way, didn’t have the guts… of course I got a firing from the wife saying first time ever she told you me take a trade, it went right and I did not execute! Well, I was paralyzed. So now, we have almost an hour till we re-open. In the meanwhile I make a coffee, think and I decide to go long at the re-open (against the wife lol). I was like fine, we already have some profits lets risk some of that and the swings going to be wild so its going to be a wide stop loss here.

Market re-opens and jumps. Again, I am paralyzed for a minute here, then from nowhere again the thought comes – balls! You had an hour in which you plotted every scenario you could think of – put the money on the line. Then at 10.22 AM I enter.. I just put in a buy order at market, did not even see the bid-offers going minutes I am up again, now the initial X has become 2.22X. I feel like a genius, then I look at the watch and again say… I am late for work. Close everything out and next day first thing I do is withdraw all of it to the bank!

But still, the question lingers… was it my skill? Luck? Or just that the 1st trade (USD) played out that it gave me a cushion to take the other risks?... I do not know.

Cheers! Stay safe!

Oh yeah – the investment portfolio is obviously red and the wife won’t ever let me forget it! :P

Sunday 15 March 2020

Weekly Analysis – 15th March 2020

Note : This is not a recommendation and I am not a registered analyst, these are just data points and an assessment of the positives and negatives from a longer term point of view.

Nifty Weekly

Chart 1. Of strategy 1 & 2 based on Nifty TRI, strategy 2 triggered an exit. Bond strategy is still in buy mode and I am holding a 10Y bond fund. Green line is up means buy mode and green line at 0 means exit mode. Portfolio is in a drawdown of almost 12% compared to Nifty ETF drawdown of about 19%.  

Chart 2 Nifty total returns/10 year Bond index ratio is BELOW its 40-week MA & momentum has shifted to Bonds, both indicating longer term outperformance of Bonds vs Nifty.

Chart 3 Longer term intermarket strength as per the RS matrix is in FMCG, IT & Pharma. With Metals and Media at the bottom.

Chart 4 NONE of the broader indices is above their respective 40-week MA, and NONE of the sector indices is above its respective 40-week MA. Forward returns on Nifty have generally been negative to flattish at these readings.

Chart 5 Avg. & Median distance of all sectors from their 52-week closing high is at -28% & -26%.

Sector Momentum Update

Updating the short-term momentum model for the week ending 15th March 2020.

Note: This does not include commissions, slippage & taxes and I have no positions in this. Just posting for academic purpose. + We do not have any sector ETF’s.

Saturday 7 March 2020

Weekly Analysis – 8th March 2020

Note : This is not a recommendation and I am not a registered analyst, these are just data points and an assessment of the positives and negatives from a longer term point of view.

Nifty Weekly

Chart 1. Since beginning of November (all 3 strats live), the strategy portfolio has lost 3.31% with a max drawdown of -5.84% whereas the Nifty ETF lost 7.25% and has a max drawdown of -10.68%. Even if all stop losses were to hit tomorrow, the theoretical loss on the portfolio is a further ~8% from here.

Strategy 1 & 2 based on Nifty TRI data remain long and I am holding Niftybees. Bond strategy also is in buy mode and I am holding a 10Y bond fund. Green line is up means buy mode and green line at 0 means exit mode.

Chart 2 Nifty total returns/10 year Bond index ratio is BELOW its 40-week MA & momentum has shifted to Bonds, both indicating longer term outperformance of Bonds vs Nifty.

Chart 3 Longer term intermarket strength as per the RS matrix is in Realty, IT & Pharma. With Metals and Media at the bottom.

Chart 4 2 out of 10 of the broader indices are above their respective 40-week MA, and just 1 sector index is above its respective 40-week MA. Forward returns on Nifty have generally been negative to flattish at these readings.

Chart 5 Avg. & Median distance of all sectors from their 52-week closing high is at -18.9% & -16.6%.

Sector Momentum Update

Updating the short-term momentum model for the week ending 8th March 2020.

Note: This does not include commissions, slippage & taxes and I have no positions in this. Just posting for academic purpose. + We do not have any sector ETF’s.

Sunday 1 March 2020

Weekly Analysis – 1st March 2020

Note : This is not a recommendation and I am not a registered analyst, these are just data points and an assessment of the positives and negatives from a longer term point of view.

Nifty Weekly

Chart 1. Despite the carnage, the combined portfolio has done better than a vanilla ETF. Since beginning of November (all 3 strats live), the strategy portfolio has lost 2.67% with a current drawdown of -5.22% whereas the Nifty ETF lost 5.58% and has a current drawdown of -9.07%. Even if all stop losses were to hit tomorrow, the theoretical loss on the portfolio is a further ~9% from here – that’s within my risk profile. To confess, I have been reading for years that diversification helps but never got around to implementing it, but now thankful that I did implement it and so far bonds have been a saviour!

Strategy 1 & 2 based on Nifty TRI data remain long and I am holding Niftybees. Bond strategy also is in buy mode and I am holding a 10Y bond fund. Green line is up means buy mode and green line at 0 means exit mode.

Looking at other data points in the charts below, looks like the shit storm is just getting started L

Chart 2 Nifty total returns/10 year Bond index ratio is BELOW its 40-week MA & momentum has shifted to Bonds, both indicating longer term outperformance of Bonds vs Nifty.

Chart 3 Longer term intermarket strength as per the RS matrix is in Realty, IT & FMCG. With Metals and Energy at the bottom.

Chart 4 2 out of 10 of the broader indices are above their respective 40-week MA, and just 1 sector index is above its respective 40-week MA. 6 to 12 month forward returns on Nifty have generally been negative to flattish at these readings.

Chart 5 Avg. & Median distance of all sectors from their 52-week closing high is at -17.6% & -16.1%. Barring 2008, a few more points down and seems we will be in buy the effing dip territory.

Sector Momentum Update

Updating the short-term momentum model for the week ending 1st March 2020.

Note: This does not include commissions, slippage & taxes and I have no positions in this. Just posting for academic purpose. + We do not have any sector ETF’s.

Even though I don’t trade this, but just looking at the equity curve, one can tell that something doesn’t feel right here. Sector momentum max DD’s have breached crisis lows and have been more prolonged than past DD’s.